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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Whitelock Community Farm Pergola

Recently we finish our pergola at the Whitelock Community Farm.                                                                                                                                                                            

We cut out our designs for the ends of the beam with a circular saw a reciprocating saw then wesanded the ends to give it that smooth finished look .

                                                                                 It was a tough project but also fun and exciting to be a part of and know what people can do if  we work together and put our talents together. I love working with the Building Trades Program, the meals from our personal chef,                                                                              Mr. Toma, and it keeps me busy and focused on what I want to do in life. I learned so much from this program that I never thought I would need and utilize on an every day basis.
These wires will help grape vines grow up on the pergola and provide shade
Written by Antonio Tates